Showing posts with label email hosting providers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label email hosting providers. Show all posts

8 January 2013

Mobile Email Will Overtake Webmail And Desktop Email

Webmail Hosting
Webmail Hosting
Studies indicate that mobile email will overtake webmail and desktop email by June 2012. As compared to webmail clients and the desktop computer, it is indicated that mobile devices will be used extensively for reading emails. A lot of people are also are already making extensive use of ipads to view emails.

This is due to the surge in usage of mobile devices. The number of people using the Smartphone has tripled. It has been found that an approximate 87% of people use their mobiles daily to check emails. This is just an indication for email providers, manufacturers of mobile phones, the Smartphone and ipads that the brands created by them should be optimized well for viewing emails on mobiles.

Optimizing Mobile Presence
In fact the web presence of the mobile should be optimized extensively as stated by the experts. Optimization of websites will help greatly to view the websites with great ease on mobile devices and it is commonplace understanding that if this does not happen they will not want to visit the website!

The operating systems for mobiles and the browsers unfortunately prove to be detrimental for the brands to make any kind of investments right away. It becomes essential for the brands to maintain cognizant attitude about rendering effective webmail hosting, images as well as text on devices like mobile phones, the Smartphone and ipads.

Role Of Designers And Marketers
For profiles of different kinds and email messages being viewed on mobiles, the brands will also need to account for applications. To do this, adequate resources will be needed. Across platforms of different kinds, the websites and emails will need to be optimized by the email service providers. This needs to be kept in mind by marketers and designers who are already have extra burden of designing sites and emails.

Besides this, the marketers also have a lot work to do in this respect including optimizing email servers. The experts are of the belief that that the whole industry of mobile devices, needs to adopt standards. Extensive collaboration will be needed by a number of platform providers including Microsoft, Apple and Google and many others.

Push From Certain Organizations
Amongst many of these companies there already exists power play. However for creating one of the best standards a lot of effort will be put in by the marketers, as stated by experts. Some push has been offered by organizations like DMA and the EEC or the Email Experience Council. A lot is being expected the world over.

In some of the elements of standardization, documents that are web based are visually presented in the Cascading Style Sheet new version called the CSS3. The mobile emailing uptake is already significantly in use by a number of noted brands since the past few months. With this in mind there are increased chances of the mobile email overtaking the desktop email and webmail, very soon.

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14 September 2012

Set Up Your Emails to Look Professional

Email Solutions
Email Solutions

Emails have now become the preferred mode of communication for personal and business needs. It is imperative to learn a few tips to polish them and give them a professional make over. The tips given here will make your business emails clear, polite and friendly. Looking at the emails from the standpoint of the recipient will enable you to view it critically. Would you like to receive these emails, is what you need to ask yourself. 

Start with your name. The “from” field should display your name along with your email address. Very often, people have it set in a way that shows only the email address. Make sure the name displayed is your full name and not just your first name.

A common first name that is displayed is not easily identifiable to the receiver. Never ever use a nickname when sending an email especially when it is a business mail. Weird names are fine among friends but if you want to be taken seriously, you must project the right image.

Keep the formatting simple and businesslike. No matter how much care you take with the formatting what arrives in the receiver’s inbox is what matters. Make the username found formal and professional. If you use something frivolous, keep it only for use among friends. If you run a site make sure you send mails and receive them from that site. You can also get customized versions of mail services for free.

For those who have to send large numbers of very similar emails using a template will make sense. A template will have most of the fields pre-filled and it’s just the message that you will need to actually write and that too if it’s a different one. Having a template is a way of making fewer mistakes because you write fewer details. Templates ensure faster replies as sending these emails are less of drudgery.

If the email services you use have an “undo send” feature, consider getting it as it will help you pull back a mail after you have hit the “send” button. Though there are proof reading services, sometimes typos slip by which becomes clear after the mail has been sent. If you are one of those who forget the attachment even though you mention it in the letter, get yourself a tool that alerts you.

Make sure your email that is about professional matters is sent out only during office hours. Even if you are a night owl, you can’t send a mail at 2 am. If you do send a lot of bizmails its worth getting a digital signature. Make sure you sift through your inbox regularly without letting it get on top of you.

If you do the advertising for your business through emails, you may want to consider email hosting. Custom made emails are the buzzword now. It is possible to get a larger customer base when you consider outsourcing the emails. Email servers control email traffic and they are in charge of delivering and receiving emails.

22 June 2012

Business Emails Will Help Your Business Climb up The Ladder of Success

Author: Jass Sawhney

Your business will be successful if the products and services you provide are known globally or at least nationally. This can be possible with the help of corporate email solutions through business emails with an in-house effective email marketing program. You may hire the services of professional email hosting providers. An effective marketing campaign on the search engines will provide you with a huge potential market that you can successfully capture to promote your business.

When you market your products on the internet, you will be putting in minimum effort to reach out to more clients over larger areas that you would through advertisements on radio, television or newspapers and magazines. Through email marketing you will have an audience from all over the world at your doorstep. You can attract them and convert them into clients without having to invest in heavy expenditure on launching advertising campaigns.

Create a Client in Seconds
Via business emails, your clients can reach you with a click of your mouse. You too can reach your targeted audience at one go. Once you have organized an effective email marketing campaign by creating the marketing materials, you will find it easy to reach out to your selected audience via emails. You can send the same message to a group of selected audience at just a click of a mouse.

There are many advantages in email marketing. You will have many options for advertising to select from for your marketing strategy. You can post promotional materials, product information and follow them up with newsletters to interested clients. These letters feature at least one article in detail and a few articles that review products and provide some useful tips.

E-Newsletter Layout
This letter is of great significance in corporate email solutions. These letters should provide correct information about the products or services in detail and a simple language that any layman can understand. These letters are posted as a first reply to interested audience who has responded to your first mail. The description of the product and services if explained properly will create a good impression on the audience.

If you add a few tips on how the audience will benefit from your products or services will help a great deal in convincing the audience to patronize your services and or products. It is not necessary to send a long newsletter. It is here that you will need the services of professional email hosting providers. To reduce cost you may go through an email correspondence course and do this job by yourself.

Minimum Overheads
You can be assured that email marketing will boost your business and will reduce your overheads to the minimum. Your advertising, selling and distributing cost will also reduce to help you provide your customers competitive prices. You may have to invest a little more in an effective email marketing Champaign. You may have to hire the services of professional graphic designers and writers in the promotional stage.

If you indulge in offline marketing methods such as print, television or radio advertising you would have to incur heavy expenses. By advertising through email you will be able to reach huge masses at minimum cost. You may have to retain employees who will be sending your emails and pay for an internet connection. This will be just your normal operating cost.

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About the Author

Jass Sawhney specialises in writing for services in the IT sector. He has in-depth knowledge and experience in the field of web hosting, domain name, SSL certificates, reseller hosting, website builder, business emails and email services among others.
