11 August 2012

Mobile Email Will Overtake Webmail And Desktop Email

Studies indicate that mobile email will overtake webmail and desktop email by June 2012. As compared to webmail clients and the desktop computer, it is indicated that mobile devices will be used extensively for reading emails. A lot of people are also are already making extensive use of ipads to view emails.

This is due to the surge in usage of mobile devices. The number of people using the Smartphone has tripled. It has been found that an approximate 87% of people use their mobiles daily to check emails. This is just an indication for email providers, manufacturers of mobile phones, the Smartphone and ipads that the brands created by them should be optimized well for viewing emails on mobiles.

Optimizing Mobile Presence
In fact the web presence of the mobile should be optimized extensively as stated by the experts. Optimization of websites will help greatly to view the websites with great ease on mobile devices and it is commonplace understanding that if this does not happen they will not want to visit the website!
The operating systems for mobiles and the browsers unfortunately prove to be detrimental for the brands to make any kind of investments right away. It becomes essential for the brands to maintain cognizant attitude about rendering effective webmail hosting, images as well as text on devices like mobile phones, the Smartphone and ipads.

Role Of Designers And Marketers
For profiles of different kinds and email messages being viewed on mobiles, the brands will also need to account for applications. To do this, adequate resources will be needed. Across platforms of different kinds, the websites and emails will need to be optimized by the email service providers. This needs to be kept in mind by marketers and designers who are already have extra burden of designing sites and emails.

Besides this, the marketers also have a lot work to do in this respect including optimizing email servers. The experts are of the belief that that the whole industry of mobile devices, needs to adopt standards. Extensive collaboration will be needed by a number of platform providers including Microsoft, Apple and Google and many others.

Push From Certain Organizations
Amongst many of these companies there already exists power play. However for creating one of the best standards a lot of effort will be put in by the marketers, as stated by experts. Some push has been offered by organizations like DMA and the EEC or the Email Experience Council. A lot is being expected the world over.

In some of the elements of standardization, documents that are web based are visually presented in the Cascading Style Sheet new version called the CSS3. The mobile emailing uptake is already significantly in use by a number of noted brands since the past few months. With this in mind there are increased chances of the mobile email overtaking the desktop email and webmail, very soon.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/email-articles/mobile-email-will-overtake-webmail-and-desktop-email-6106428.html

10 August 2012

The Importance of a Good Domain Name

How important is a good domain name? The task of finding one of the best domain names for domain registration is a challenging one but an important one for sure. Besides being helpful identifying yourself it also helps in creating an identity for the organization and effective presence of your organization on the web.

Hence identifying a proper name for the website is vital and accordingly you will have to understand what an excellent domain name is. There are various domain name types like .net domain, .org, .com etc. popularly available. The first and foremost thing to keep in mind is that the domain name pronunciation should be easy enough.

Avoid Hyphens and Dashes
Before the letters, numbers can certainly be used but dashes and hyphens must be avoided even if these characters are effective enough in separating words or terms. It is difficult for users to find or type out the hyphens and dashes with ease on the keyboard hence they should be avoided. Punching a key that is wrong would lead the user to a site that is completely different or which hardly exists.

The next thing to keep in mind to get domain name that it should be very simple to spell. Already there are thousands of websites and selection of many of the popular words and terms are already made. It is advised that words need to be chosen as per the kind of website you have or products you are selling. Misspelt names or foreign words should be completely avoided.

Shorter Names and URL Usage
If in case the words are misspelled then the traffic will get diverted to another site which will be your loss in turn. If there is a competitor, then make sure that the Uniform Resource Locator or the URL or the address of the site, is not anywhere close or similar to that competitor's site. You would be losing a lot of your customers to the competitor's website, actually.

Another problem is that typos could get created if the name or logo is too long. To create a name at least fifty characters are offered by registrars of domain names by providers of website hosting. However a choice up to ten to fifteen characters suffices since typists who are untrained are not able to type so many characters in an error free manner. Hence it is convenient to uses shorter domain names.

Colour Character and Letter Case Usage
Use of colour characters should be avoided as far as possible since on the tool bar of the search engine the colour or the shade does not appear. Letters in capital should not be created since some of the providers of web hosting are sensitive to case. Letters in lower case are best with a combination of numeral digits if at all required.

The .com domain is a domain address that is being used at topmost levels for a large number of websites. A lot of popularity has also being gained by the .org domain name as well. Make the best use of suggestion tools offered by providers of web hosting if at all you are interested in other domain names like .biz, .info etc.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/domain-names-articles/the-importance-of-a-good-domain-name-6103791.html
