3 January 2013

How web hosting can kill your search engine ranking?

Web Hosting Services
Web Hosting Services
World Wide Web (www) has become a revolutionary source of information now days. Everyone, from an individual to an organinization is connected to the web through websites. Websites provide an interface to the users for interacting with each other. To become the part of the web, a website has to be hosted through web hosting.

Web hosting is a service provided by the web to the user in which it provides a space to them for unloading their websites. By uploading the website on web, the other users accessing the web are able to see the hosted site.  In addition, the web crawlers, which are the part of the search engine index the hosted website on their system. The web crawlers rank to site based on various parameters, one of which is website hosting.

The choice of the web hosting affects the search engine ranking of the website. If the website is hosted correctly and appropriately there it will be ranked well by the search engine that site will get maximum user traffic on it. However, if the website is not hosted correctly there it may affect the ranking of the site. There are a number of ways of website hosting available. One of them is the free web hosting. This type of hosting is easily available but pays afterwards. The content of the free web hosted sites is eliminated by the search engines from its list of sites. Therefore, the unavailability of site on the search engine list restricts it to reach to the users, resulting in minimum user traffic.

Secondly, the server location for the website matters during the web hosting. If the site is hosted at the location, where it has least users then the site will suffer from less traffic, resulting in the low search engine ranking. However, if the website is located near the server where it is to be accessed to the maximum, it will get good user traffic resulting in good rank.

The next parameter is uptime of the website. Uptime is the amount of time for which a website remains live. Sometime, due to a problem at server, the website becomes inaccessible to the users thus affecting search engine ranking. In such a scenario, even the web crawlers mark that website as unreliable. Another issue is the speed of the website while being browsed between web pages. Sometimes the web pages take too long to get downloaded at user`s side which results in delay causing unreliable link. Due to these delays, both users and search engines avoid visiting such websites, resulting in low traffic.

Last but not the least is the shared space parameter. Some users prefer to take the shared space for web hosting. Shared space refers to the space on the web shared by more than one website for hosting. This is a good method in one way as the shared space is in one way as the shared space is utilized to the maximum .However sometimes the shared may have any spam or porn website which is marked as spam by the web crawlers. They usually ignore visiting the area of the shared space, which affects the good websites also. They get least users reducing the overall traffic at that site. This causes low ranking of the website in search engines.

Apart from the above-explained factors, there could be more parameters that kill the search engine ranking of website while web hosting. Hence, the two terms, web hosting and search engine ranking are interlinked to each other.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/web-hosting-articles/how-web-hosting-can-kill-your-search-engine-ranking-6384050.html

2 January 2013

Myth of Using Website Builder

Website Building
Website Building
It is perhaps human psyche not to value anything that comes free. That maybe the reason why we pollute our rivers, the seas and even the air we breathe. All of these are not paid for. Unless we can see a price tag dangling we don't know the worth of a product. Website builders that are free fall in this same category.

The Many Myths
Myth #1 - A Free website builder is only for a newbie. Granted these are easy and simple to use, but does that alone qualify them as for beginners only? While a fresher will find it easy to navigate through the various, an experienced hand will also delight in the comfort with which it can be put to use.

Myth # 2 - You website will look like a clone of all the sites made using the same software. Nothing could be further from the truth. All these web building tools permit so much customization that the end product will bear your signature and not the creator's. It is the owner's creativity that will shine through as there are many ways in which you can make your own changes.

Leave Your Stamp
As an example, look at the website templates. These can be changed simply by tweaking the HTML code. The header too can be moved about according to your taste. You can help yourself along by having ideas about what you want your website to look like before you build a website.

Your Site Can Grow
Myth # 3 - The scalability of the website will be very difficult. That is the next myth that has been doing the rounds. This may have been true in the early days of building tools but things have changed a lot since.

That is the reason why widgets and HTML codes have been added as features so that owners can have their own creativity woven into the sites. Using the flash generator, one can have a flash banner. And if you fancy having a You Tube button, all you need to do is copy its code and stick it in your website's HTML code and viola, you can place it where you want it on your website.

Myth # 4 - Website built using a builder will not figure high in SEO rankings. SEO ranking hinge on keyword rich content, content that is attractive, informative and fun. There is much you can do to make your site noticed by search engines. Meta tags are one for example.

Keywords, Keywords
Relevant keywords are another. Site builders have the perspicacity to understand what search engines look for and they provide that. Beyond it, there is much you can do for your site. In fact using a website builder allows you to concentrate on other things that will help push your site along.

Myth# 5 - Website building tools are tough to use. This myth is way off the mark as they are about as difficult as MS Word. Anyone not familiar with technical language can follow the tutorials that come with these builders.

Websites built using these tools do not bear any mark that makes them proclaim, "Built using a website builder". For all those who need a little help, website builders are just the thing.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/web-design-articles/myth-of-using-website-builder-6204637.html
