Showing posts with label domain booking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label domain booking. Show all posts

31 December 2012

How to Work Comfortably Online With One of the Best Domain Names

Domain Name Registration
Domain Name Registration
A domain name needs to be purchased for your website or websites, once you attain necessary comfort of working over the internet. It would be nice if it is a memorable one and as compared to the rest, ensures your website's higher ranking on the search engine. It wouldn't be good enough if a wrong domain name is selected. There are a few basics to be considered to make a domain booking.

Coming up with a good name for the domain is the primary thing. The latest trend is selecting combinations of dual words. If you try out using your very own name then the site would have a professional look. At the time of selection ensure to avoid spellings that are very fanciful. Also while representing sounds, avoid using 8s and 2s. Instead using the number 1 is sure to work.

Accomplishing a Memorable Name
A good idea would also be to use the name of the product or the offerings made on the site content in the domain name. Accomplishing a memorable and a short name to register domain is a good thing, but accomplishing it is a bit difficult. Coming up with a few names for the site is helpful enough so that they can be tested on the registry. Using a .com extension is always valuable as compared to .info or .net however you will need to have access to .net or .info.

If in case you are looking for a lucrative site and do not mind competition then other extensions can be picked up as well. To register domain name is not a very expensive affair. To get a better price, bulk domain name registration proves to be very beneficial. Depending upon the place where the business is located accordingly, you can select the extension.

Using Two Extensions
For example if you are running a business in the United States then .us can be used as an extension. When customers have a look at the extension they are able to ensure that they are looking a business that is US specific. This is a great idea for those online business owners who are looking towards having customers from the United States. You could be one of those fortunate ones who may have both extensions of domain names open.

In such a case if the cost of having both the .us and the .com extension does not cost too much then you can go ahead and purchase both the extensions. Geographically your site is able to get an identity of its own, immediately. In the building up of relationships on the internet, this can be one of the most crucial things. Once the website is ready, a domain name has to be purchased and submitted to the search engine which takes its time indexing sites that are new.

Building Adequate Traffic
A lot depends on the search engines to make the website valuable or not. Depending upon your need you could have more domain names, which point at one main site. The site can be set up in one domain name and web traffic from the other sites could be directed to the main site in a process called forwarding web traffic.

Just registering a domain name isn't sufficient since adequate traffic too needs to be built around it. Much before the renewal date you will need to have it renewed for multiple years and this needs to be remembered by the website owner. If you are hiring services for domain booking then make sure you identify a reliable one.

Article Source:

15 December 2012

5 Top Reasons Why you should Register a .ASIA Domain Name

14 December 2012

How Much Role The Domain Name Plays In SEO?

Domain Name Registration
Domain Name Registration
If you are looking to the success of your site on the search engine without wasting too much time you will need to assess the crucial role played by the domain. The name of the domain has to be given its due importance which not many people do. While selecting the domain name a few important characteristics will need to be considered. The first thing to do is keep the domain name short.

In the present times it is seen the domain names with three or four letters are being considered by businesses and the ones having five letters are gradually depleting. Ideally, the experts feel that the domain should be less than ten letters long and if this is not possible, then you should not go for more than twenty letters at least.

Selecting Number of Words
It is excellent to have one word domain names, good to have two letter words, average to have three letter words and if the domain name has more than three words then this is termed as bad. Another aspect that needs to be kept in mind is that it should also be easy to recall.

Most of the time, the site name is memorized and whenever it is required, the name is typed on the search engine. If the domain name is easy to remember then the user is able to recollect it faster and type it on the search engine. Hence long domain names are not recommended.

Easy Spelling
Another important aspect to keep in mind in a domain search process is the spelling. If the domain name is misspelled then the chances of reaching another site instead of your site will increase. It is advised to not use foreign and complex words.

Extension of the domain name is another important aspect that needs consideration at the time of domain registration. The .org extension is preferred by most companies at the time of developing the site. One of the most popularly used domain name extensions is the .com extension amongst users of the internet.

Descriptive Domains
There is also another important thing to keep in mind which is to keep the domain name descriptive. The domain name will be effective if it describes the products or services of the business to customers. Much before entering into the site, the visitor is able to get an idea on the kind of product or service you are offering.

Also try to avoid use of number and hyphens in the domain name to avoid confusion in the mind of the visitors. Just as the right kind of location is most important for any real estate business in the same way for a website's success, the main corner stone is the domain name.

Article Source:

30 November 2012

How To Register .In Domain Name?

Domain Name
Domain Name
On the web one of the domains at the topmost levels is .in. Just like other .com domain names, .in domain can be used for different kinds of applications, e-mail and websites. This symbol is a unique one and plays an important role all over the world. A simplified process is followed for registering .in domain name. Through a number of registrars, signing up for .in name is possible.

They are not only reliable and fast but simple to use and easy to purchase. The domain name is purchased from an official registry. The opportunity of .in domain name application before the general public was provided to owners of service marks or trademarks. The domain name .in can be obtained by anyone whether it is an organization, company or individual. This name gives the owner a sense of pride.

Accredited Registrars
To consider domain names registration it is very necessary to consider registrars that are accredited only since authority of .in domain name selling to the general public is provided only to such companies. Before you select a registrar it is important to look for detailed information, the rates charged, the background of the company and different kinds of extensions available.

For different kinds of registrants, the terms and conditions offered at the .in registry are also different. The .in registry makes amendments from time to time. You need to compare the rates offered at different registrars and try to select the most affordable rate. Steps for domain names registration are very simple.

Identifying the Right One
A domain name that is well chosen indicates that the website is professional. It just takes a few minutes to register the domain name. You need to first select the name, identify a domain registrar, register it and then finally point it to an appropriate server of a website. A selected domain name can be brand centric or keyword centric.

It can be composed of letters or numbers or in a combination. In some cases there could be dashes also. More focus is laid on keyword in a domain name that is keyword centric for the purpose of search engine optimization. Such domain types are used by smaller websites. You will first need to check whether the domain name you are considering is already taken up by another company before you buy domain.

Avoiding Trademarked and Copyrighted Names
More focus is laid on selling and making of the brand in a brand centric domain name. Phrases that are copyrighted or trademarked should be completely avoided. If another domain name is copied, legal action can be taken by the holder of that particular name. Since there are so many companies offering services for a domain name the chances of finding an affordable company always exists.

To buy domain names there are other kinds of extensions available besides .in, like .org, .net, .com, .biz etc. Major domains at top level include .edu and .gov especially for schools, universities and sites of governments, respectively. Staying away from .info domain names which are also less costly is advised since spammers could use them and this is the last thing any owner of a website would want.

Article Source:

27 November 2012

Top 5 Tips to Pick the Best Domain for your Business

Registering a suitable domain name is the first step to get your business online.  A good domain name not just gives your business a unique online identity, but also a platform to reach out to the vast market created by millions of internet users across the world.

14 October 2012

What Should Be the Ideal Domain Name Strength?

Domain Booking
Domain Booking

Basically there are three approaches to determine a good domain name. The keyword, the brand and a broad keyword domain to match are the three approaches. For SEO or search engine optimization, a domain name that is branded is required which targets the right kinds of keywords. Name of a domain shouldn’t be difficult to remember or too long.

A succinct and short one is very easy to remember. Name of the site should provide an idea on the kind of service or product you are selling. The next thing is that it should be easy to read and spell. Hyphens and numerals should be strictly avoided unless it is completely unavoidable. If in case numbers and hyphens are used then you will need to be prepared to face issues related to navigation and also make the site appear less important.

Unique and Straightforward Domains
Strength of a brand name is seen when it is straightforward and unique. Again just having a brand name will not do since it may not have the kind of SEO value you have been looking for. It should have necessary links that point towards it as well. If this is not so, then no attention will be paid to the site by the search engines.

At the time of domain registration to ensure that best of the two worlds is incorporated, the ideal domain name would be one which is branded and keyword enriched. For businesses that are focused online, such domain names are most needed since performance on the internet is of utmost significance which can have positive effects in the longer run.

Better Links and Optimized Content
Some of the examples where keywords become a brand are, etc. A combination approach also works where keywords and brand names are used together for example, If you are looking towards quickest growth in organic marketing then domain name with keyword and brand in combination is best to consider along with following strategies for optimized content and better link building.

The only thing is that it is difficult to find domain names like these types while domain booking as they could also be in used by other kinds of businesses. Secondly the domain cost can be quite high to justify any start up. Domain names having just keywords would be the kind in which there is no tie to the brand or the name of the business.

Keyword Enriched Domain
Relevance of the website is indicated by the kind of keywords used in the name of the domain. Good performance is seen in the search results for domains falling in a category of this kind. is an example of a keyword enriched domain. Such domains can get the benefit on search engines due to priority given to keywords. Your website gets all the assistance required for getting off the ground as fast as possible. This also helps in establishing relevance to the queries and subject matter sought by the audience.

The only thing about this kind of an approach is that there is no availability of short keywords and key phrases since they are taken up by other online businesses. Then when the domain names become spammy and long, it becomes difficult to remember them leading to devaluation in search engine ranking. Determining the ideal domain strength always helps in search engine optimization.

13 October 2012

Benefit of Transferring Free Blogger Domain to a Custom Domain Name

Domain Name
Domain Name
Domain names work like shortcuts which point towards your blog. Without a domain name, you can own a blog of your own and have a number of domains that point towards one blog which is collection of your theme, your poses, widgets and comments which visitors see when they visit the blog. To get to your blog, the domain is a shortcut.

You could use domain upgrades of the paid variety and add the custom domains as a shortcut to the free address available for blogs. Instead of seeing the free address, the online visitors get to see a domain that is customized. The customized domain is easy to share, shorter, easy to remember and catchy too.

Upgrading Domains with Registration
On registering domains at for example the blog gets linked to the domain. When the domain is entered in address bar of the browser, the blog too shows up. Registering the domain name is an upgrade that is paid for and renewed each year and the blog continues to remain free. Even if the domain is not renewed, the blog continues to work.

If a domain registration has to be transferred to another registrar, then you need to get an authorization code generated by the registrar you have currently. The new code can be then sent to the new registrar. A few days are needed for the transfer. Even name servers can be changed. All that you will need to do is get the appropriate server name from the host and then by using the domain manager the change can be made. It is via the domain name that potential partners and customers can identify you on the internet and in turn you can build up desired credibility.

Getting a Lifetime Address
The task is not easy and hence needs careful attention when you check domain names that are most favorable for your online business. The most essential thing to have in an online business is your very own domain name and a blog as well. If in case you want to have the ISP or the Internet Service Provider moved then problems could be caused without a domain name since emails will not be forwarded properly.

A domain name is basically a lifetime online address, a hidden benefit. Domain registration of longer names is possible, but it is recommended that you keep it short. Short domain names can fetch millions of dollars at the time of being sold. Not only are they easy to remember but allow easy translation from radio advertisements, print and telephone and aren’t prone to typing errors.

Domains at a Close Match with Online Businesses
At the time of checking domain availability ensure that name of the domain is kept at a close match with the online business name. Dot com addresses are popular even if these days new extensions are available. If the domain name is trademarked and not owned by you then at the time of registering you will need to be a bit careful since it is illegal to cyber squat. Being ethical always helps to avoid falling into any kind of pitfall legally.

At the time of a domain purchase ensure that the existing domain being purchased is legitimate enough. Trying to select a domain name can be a frustrating process since most of the time; the best of names are taken away by other online businesses. Avoid grabbing at the very first name you come across. If your domain name is easy to remember then it is worth it.

12 October 2012

Step By Step Guide to Select A Search Engine Friendly Domain Name

Domain Names
Domain Names
Businesses and large companies have earned name and fame on the internet and established their identity with their business names on a domain name that does not express anything about the business they conduct. When you want to start a business on the internet you should make sure that your website can be easily located. This will enable potential customers to visit the same.

There are easy to remember, catchy and brand specific domain names. These brand names such as,, and have become at present household names. These companies have invested huge amount of money in branding and marketing these domain names. If your budget is in a medium range, you can still reach the status of these big companies by selecting a keyword driven domain name.

A Friendly Name for Your Domain
Exact match domain names are good for your website or block as the search engines rank them high. To get such a name, you will need to use word order and identical spelling; you cannot use more than 2 hyphens. You can buy domains extensions such as .org, .net or .com.

There is a great demand that will enable you to sell your website with a .com extension at a profitable rate.  You can also select extensions such as .Edu. .Info or .US. These extensions will earn you high ranks on the SEO. There are some experts who are of the opinion that hyphens should not be used at all, as they cannot be considered as exact match domain names.

Making It Unique
If you want to make domain names unique, then you will have to use a modifier. This will help you make your keyword exact-match unique. Instead of hyphens you can use a word in inverted commas such as ‘Top’ This will make your product unique. The spellings of domain names should be grammatically correct and match the keyword.

If you want to target Web Design Tools then the keyword that you use should be, thus the name of your domain should not be Web Design that should be the keyword. If you use the keyword search tool it will help you locate a good exact match name for your domain for your important keywords. 

Improve Your Websites search Ranking
You should register domains names. This will make you a legal owner of the name. You can buy domains on the internet, at first you should select a particular keyword combination. Once you type these keywords you will come to know the extensions that these keywords already have. Utilize an Excel document to download all the keywords. When you select from the list an Excel spread sheet will open.

Once you have completed this you can log on to Google and search for register domains or get a list of top bulk domain search tools. You can get hold of the currently used keyword driven domains. Searching for domain names may be slightly stressful but the right process is sure to benefit you and your business at the end.

11 October 2012

How to Pick a Domain Name for Your Ecommerce Business?

Domain Names
Domain Names

For your domain search there are innumerable things that you will have to look into. When you are conducting your business on the internet, you need to have a domain name that will not only give you a different identity but also your business will be distinguished from other businesses on the internet. Web users will conveniently and quickly reach your website.

Domain name registration is a must as otherwise it would be considered illegal. The name that you choose should be a lot different from other domain names on the internet. You should do a proper search on domain availability. Be careful that you do not take up any domains that are already being used.

Name Describing Your Business
A domain name or a keyword base name that gives a general idea about your business can be a trump card for your business. Suppose you are dealing in leather products and your hottest item in leather is ladies handbags, you can use instead of naming your company’s HMV leather. 

In ecommerce there are many big companies who have their domain names as the name of their company, but there are a number of them who are successful because of their specialty, to take for example and Your specialization can allow you to set up an ecommerce network of multiple sites. Each domain name, in case of a network, should be relevant to the product category sold on the website.

A Short Site Name
If you want your customers to remember the name of your site without any difficulty, then the name of your site should be short and easily remembered. This will enable your customers to recommend your site to their friends without putting their memory under stress. It is convenience and speed that internet is all about, thus your domain search for a domain name should be on the same lines.

The domain name should be such that even a new customer should be able to reach your website effortlessly. You should be very careful when you are selecting the domain name from the domain availability list. You should select one that will be best suited for search engine as this is the best place where you will be advertising your products to earn you a good income from your online business.

Protect Your Domain Name
Domain name registration is a must. Whatever name you choose for your domain name, you should not lack in Postscript, domain name protection. You should get relevant anchor text with backlinks which will benefit you. You cannot impress search engines by just having product terms in your domain name. What really matter is that you should have a high rank on the search engines.

If you have a domain name which is rich in keywords, it will not only benefit the SEO but it will also add credit to your business online image. When people see an ad with a domain name that contains relevant terms and looks to be unique, they will definitely click on the link and may be even recommend the same to their friends.

4 October 2012

Strategies for Making Money Buying Domain Names

Domain Registration
Domain Registration

The domains you are interested in purchasing need to have high traffic potential and value. A domain name that contains relevant keywords that are short have better value in comparison to domain names that are longer. You will need to keep in mind this strategy at the time of domain registration or purchasing aged, new, expired, unregistered domain names.

Certain websites and services can be made use of to identify expired and aftermarket domains.  By leasing out domain names to others you can make money. All that is required is purchasing expired or new domain names which could have value for an existing individual or business who wishes to use the domain name to develop a website.

Domain Parking and Domain Development 
The next thing is to register domains and have the domain parked with the registrar and list the contact information. Working out an agreement on lease is possible when interested prospects get in touch with you. Every month rent will be paid by the individual to you. Your main responsibility lies in ensuring that the domain name doesn’t expire and remains registered.

Another strategy to earn money with domain names is developing them to increase their value and thus see an increase in your ROI or Return on Investment. On the domain name the actual website is set up. A reliable traffic stream can surely be generated this way and monthly income earned each and every month on the site.

As per your wish the domain and website both can be purchased by individuals interested and have you compensated with potential of income, design of site and business model. There are a large number of sites available for listing domains that are already developed for sales purposes.

Redirecting and Buying and Holding Domains
The other strategy for earning money when you buy domain names is redirecting domains service that web registrars provide.  The registrars allow you to send or redirect the visitors from domains to a website that is entirely different or affiliate programs. In an affiliate program you get paid for sending actual and potential buyers to the site.

Another strategy to make money is to buy and hold domain names. They can be purchased at lesser rate and then sold at a higher rate to make money. It is best to learn basics of domain names that are popular.

Quick Flip Strategy and Following Guidelines
If you are looking towards making money with domains, then looking up the internet for guidelines can prove to be helpful. Investing in domain names is profitable. Each of the domains has inherent value and is unique.

Another method is using the quick flip strategy. You can purchase a particular domain name, have it remodeled and then sell it off for a good amount of profit. Make sure you have necessary skills for web development. If not, hiring someone to do the job is also alright. Make sure you also have the right kind of contacts to sell domain names along with the websites.

Monetizing To the Optimum Level
Also there is the optimal monetizing strategy, wherein you have the specialized skills to have the domain name monetized better than its current owner. Whatever background you come from, there are lucrative opportunities to make money by buying domain names.

A lot of people are making good money by buying domain names. If you are looking to earn income in an additional or part time job then this is one of the finest ways to go.

28 September 2012

Imaginative website domain names to name your business

Domain Name Registration
Domain Name Registration

If you are newly opening a business then you will also need to decide upon an appropriate name for domain booking. For this, tapping your creative side would help in deciding upon a catchy domain name that is not yet taken and related to your particular industry.

If the domain name is a catchy one then customers will be able to remember and recollect it. In a startup business it is critical to have creative business names. With a good name there will no opportunity restriction for the business. For advertising and promoting business, catchy names are the best.

Incorporate the Coolest Names
The company name is used for advertising purposes. Ensure that the first priority for you is to create a good business name as part of business and marketing plan.  Some of the coolest names are incorporated in the web domain and logo of the company.

This is essential for having greatest visibility on the internet and connecting with customers. Instead of having a similar web domain name and a business name, ensure that there is a creative domain name instead. To stand out in any business you will need to select a domain name that is not obvious overly. Avoid generic names that do not have any impact on the customer.

Interesting Names with A Few Tips and Suggestions
Include some cool words in the domain name related to the business that can remain in the memory of customers. If you go with some interesting names for the company then this too can help in coming up with quirky and creative ideas in marketing, campaigns for business promotion and slogan advertisement.

A few tips and suggestions will need to be considered for a great domain name before the website registration. Conduct a survey first, talk to colleagues, friends and business cofounders to check some of the best names. In the effort of searching for creative names for the business, avoid getting personal.

Use Universal Words
Avoid adding your child’s name or the pet’s to the business since no one would be able to relate to that. Make sure universal words that are appealing are used. Creativity can be seen in noun and adjectives used in combination. Take care to see that the formula matches and goes with each other well.

You could use words, phrases and expressions related to the product being sold online. For this a customer research could be conducted regarding your products, the products of other competitors, conducting interviews and recording them, text analysis for standard phrases used etc.

Domain Names with Strategic Meaning
Selecting something vague and generic should help the business in future in case branching out is your next idea. Another great idea is to have a strategic meaning to the domain name so that the domain name is perceived better.

One thing that can come to your mind at the time of domain registration is whether the business name or the sites name should be created first. It is good to consider both the names at one time to ensure a cohesive combination. Conducting a thorough search for domain names is good enough before thinking of a creative name for the company.

26 September 2012

10 Most Popular Creative Domain Name Ideas

Buy Domains
Buy Domains

Once businesses were able to purchase domain names for business and personal use, some of the most straightforward and most simple names of domains were immediately taken up. All through the world, publishing on the internet and web activities have flourished. There is greater increase in demand for simple and some of the best domain names. The thing is that a huge price has to be paid to obtain a great name at TLD or the Top Level Domain. One of the best tools is being able to purchase domain names at top level that are specific from another country.  Registration of these domain names is done in another country, but it is easy to access these sites from the internet, no matter where you are located.

In certain countries there are restrictions on domain name registration only to those who are citizens of that particular country.  Many of the other countries do not have any kind of restriction however. To find a domain name that is creative enough, you can make the best use of web tools available online. As part of a creative strategy for registration, you could consider a few examples as listed below.
.me is one of the best domain names to consider, which has its origins from Montenegro state. With audiences that speak English, .me has great play. This extension is great choice to target companies looking for personalized services in a domain name.
One of the creative domain name seen is Matt Mullenweg, the creator of WordPress had decided to have his domain name, Ma, registered at Tobago and Trinidad. This domain name is more direct as compared to the domain name
There is also another island chain that uses Top Level Domains names for creating a memorable and a clever domain name over the internet. It is from the Northern Mariana Islands that the a domain name uses the TLD with the .mp suffix.  A deal has been struck with the Northern Mariana Islands government by Ch.imp for offering domain registrations for free with the TLD .mp.  This website has been named cleverly to manage and publish business online.
Another inventive and impressive registration of domain name is the website for Blogs, The British government owns  small islands in a group called South Georgia as well  as South Sandwich Isles due to which .gs is the suffix made available. This registration is offered by the chain of small islands to anyone over the world. You may need to visit the island to attain the TLD for registration of the website officially.
One case that is increasing significantly is the TLD suffix belonging to the Nieu Island located in the Solomon Islands. It targets the audience in Scandinavia.
This TLD is interesting for anyone to access which belongs to the Tonga nation. Over the random TLDs, .to has a linguistic advantage obviously.
Italy uses the suffix .it which is perfect enough for inferring a particular action.  Only European Union and Italian citizens can register to the .it name. However in the native language itself the transactions take place.                  
The domain name is also widely used with obvious implications to the world of industries. It is used by affiliations and large media companies to offer programming on television or materials related to television.
The .fm TLD power is apparent if you like radio or music. To suggest latest music it serves as an engine for recommendation. This suffix .fm comes from the Micronesia Island dotting the South Pacific.
This is the domain name of the famous producer William of music in America. His brand name was relayed exactly to match the punctuation and spelling with the .am suffix. All that is needed is to type his name in the browser to get to his site.

Lots of creative possibilities exist in domain names that speak in huge volumes of whatever you do which can be considered when you buy domains

24 September 2012

Points to Remember Before Transferring a Domain Name

How to Transfer Your Domain Name between Hosts

Domain Registration
Domain Registration
A domain name is basically your business address on the internet. Organizations as well as individuals can register their business names online as part of the domain name which in turn helps in increasing productivity in business. In a DNS or the Domain Name System, the name of the domain is used for linking the text address to the server that handles this information for example the IP address or the Internet Protocol address.

The IP address is nothing but the mail server location that receives the sub domain or the domain messages besides elements of obscure nature like a signature of cryptographic type that helps in confirming who exactly the domain’s rightful owner is. The domain name can be hosted and registered both.

Registering Of a Domain
The middleman is the registrar who allows you to put in request for the name on the domain and accordingly interacts for a TLD or the top level domain or the TLD with a central registry. This also helps in ensuring that the registration is not done twice in the same name.  A fee has to be paid initially for domain registration.

While a part of the fee goes to the central authority of the TLD, a part of it also goes to the international body that manages names of domains called the ICANN. On registration of domain name it is then hosted at DNS name servers which may be one or two in number.

Reasons for the Transfer
There are certain people who may register with a particular firm, have the DNS hosted with another, have the mail located at another firm and have the website put an another place wherein, all are independently operational.

However handling of all this is done by one single firm. A domain transfer will be necessary since web hosting, domain registration and hosting, email hosting etc have to be dealt with and you will need to ensure where each of the functions is being handled.

New Service for Hosting
If a website or the email has to be moved along with domain hosting then a complete new service for hosting will be needed which is set up at a new location. This will help in eliminating or reducing any kind of interruption in visitor handling or receiving emails at the site. For moving email, at the new host all the accounts will need to be recreated again. If needed you could have a single account too. In the case of moving the website to another location, the process is quite easy.

If in case special configurations, other programs or scripts are needed then ensure that the new host is able to handle them. Besides this you will need to also set aside time to test this. As compared to changes in mail servers, the switchover of website is easier. Visitors are not lost in between since they get the new or the old site.

When to Make the Changes
If at all any changes are required then they need to be best made before moving the registration and hosting of domain names. This can be done since you are in proper control of the DNS records as well as the registration. On setting up of the new account, the listed DNS servers can be accordingly changed much before the registrars are swapped. The next thing is switching over for registration and hosting.

It is a bit of a hassle trying to switch the registrar for the domain name because of the checks conducted against transfers that are fraudulent. Remember that the transfer cannot be done within the first two months. The private registration is to be removed, the domain name unlocked, a request for authorization code is to be made for the domain transfer.

19 September 2012

Beginners Guide on Domain Name Registration

Domain Names
Domain Names
One of the most crucial requirements for establishing an online identity is registering a domain name. Domain names are considered very vital for any website, as it is the web address that others will use to track your website. People who would want to visit your website will type in this address in the address bar of their web browsers. Most people who seek to build a great online presence tend to overlook the process of selecting a domain, which is rather not a right strategy to follow. A domain must always be selected only after a careful review and consideration.

Selection of Domain Names
Most people tend to overlook the process of selecting an appropriate name, as they just focus on the way their websites are designed and hosted. There are some basic set of principles that one must follow while picking any domain name. The user first needs to define the aim of having a website. If he plans to build a website for a recreational purpose, he can get away with any name, but if the website is meant for a business purpose the name should only be selected after a cautious evaluation. Several things go into making an ideal domain name, these are:
  • It should be unique & short
  • It should be rich in keywords
  • It should be suggestive to the nature of business
  • It should be simple and easy to memorize
  • It should be easy to spell and should not complicated
Domain Registration
When you have actually selected the name that you wish to register, it is time for you to register it. Domain name registration is one of the most crucial steps in building an online identity, as a registered domain becomes a legal entity of the domain registrant and no other part has any right to it. The process of registering a domain has become much simpler over the past few years. Here are the steps that need to be followed:
  • Select the name you want to register 
  • Choose a domain registrar to register the name
  • Provide your basic information to the registrar (name, address, phone number, email id, etc)
  • Make the payment for registering the domain
Domain Registrar
A domain registrar is basically a registered organization that is authorized by domain governing bodies to register domains. As there are several companies that provide this service, choosing one will not be difficult. Here are some tips that you can follow while selecting a registrar:
  • Choose a ICANN accredited domain registrar
  • Choose a registrar that offers reasonable prices
  • Choose a registrar that offers complete customer support
  • Choose a registrar that offers add-on services
All these above tips will surely help you in registering a great domain name, which will eventually help you to build a great online presence.

Article Source:

13 September 2012

Private domain registration: Another marketing trick?

Private Domain Registration
Private Domain Registration

On the internet privacy comes at a premium. Websites are open to scrutiny and comment; it cannot be kept away from curious eyes. The only way you can conceal your identity is by doing a private domain registration. If someone wants to know who owns a domain name, what they need to do is look up the WhoIs service. When they do this they will not get your personal information but they will get the name and address of the forwarding service.

Many website owners register domain names privately because they find several advantages attached to it. Marketers are always on the lookout for names and other information they can use are leads and discovery lists. They create bots that lurk on domain websites and seek out information that is listed and later sold to companies. Registering your name privately keeps your name safe from such prying eyes.

Private registration is perfect if you want to outsmart your competitors.  All you have to do to keep your venture a secret is to register it privately. No matter how much sneaking the competitor does, there will be no tell-tale signs of your venture. It is a good idea to register the domains before you buy the hosting space as doing this will give you the chance to look around for the best web hosting service.

Domain name registrations are generally done for a year’s period. When the time is up, you must remember to renew it before it becomes dead. If you renew it for a long period you will get a handsome discount. You can dabble in domain name trading where you can make money if you have domain with catchy names.

Before you buy domains run a check to make sure it is a clear one that does not contain trademarked information.  Using a public domain rather than a private web hosting means that you are not making an all-out effort to make your venture a success! Public domain names are perceived as mere hobbies and not serious pursuits like a business.

If you want your website to come alive and be successful, registering a private domain name is the way to go. When you use a free website builder the domain name can be registered as soon as the website is designed. At this point you will have to decide whether you need a public domain or a private one.

Choosing a public domain is fraught with the danger of losing your personal data to telemarketers and spammers who will fill your email with worthless spam. Paying money for private domain registration is for the purpose of keeping all this information safe. But in reality after taking your money many of these private domain name registrars sell the data to marketing firms. The downside is that you pay these registrars and yet have your personal data sold for others to exploit.

Now ICANN requires that the mailing address, email address and phone number should be on the WhoIs list. This makes things very easy for spammers to steal data.  Right now it would seem that private domain registration is a slick marketing ploy.

How Much Role The Domain Name Plays In SEO?

Domain Name
Domain Name
If you are looking to the success of your site on the search engine without wasting too much time you will need to assess the crucial role played by the domain. The name of the domain has to be given its due importance which not many people do. While selecting the domain name a few important characteristics will need to be considered. The first thing to do is keep the domain name short.

In the present times it is seen the domain names with three or four letters are being considered by businesses and the ones having five letters are gradually depleting. Ideally, the experts feel that the domain should be less than ten letters long and if this is not possible, then you should not go for more than twenty letters at least.

Selecting Number of Words
It is excellent to have one word domain names, good to have two letter words, average to have three letter words and if the domain name has more than three words then this is termed as bad. Another aspect that needs to be kept in mind is that it should also be easy to recall.

Most of the time, the site name is memorized and whenever it is required, the name is typed on the search engine. If the domain name is easy to remember then the user is able to recollect it faster and type it on the search engine. Hence long domain names are not recommended.

Easy Spelling
Another important aspect to keep in mind in a domain search process is the spelling. If the domain name is misspelled then the chances of reaching another site instead of your site will increase. It is advised to not use foreign and complex words.

Extension of the domain name is another important aspect that needs consideration at the time of domain registration. The .org extension is preferred by most companies at the time of developing the site. One of the most popularly used domain name extensions is the .com extension amongst users of the internet.

Descriptive Domains
There is also another important thing to keep in mind which is to keep the domain name descriptive. The domain name will be effective if it describes the products or services of the business to customers. Much before entering into the site, the visitor is able to get an idea on the kind of product or service you are offering.

Also try to avoid use of number and hyphens in the domain name to avoid confusion in the mind of the visitors. Just as the right kind of location is most important for any real estate business in the same way for a website's success, the main corner stone is the domain name.

Article Source:

11 September 2012

.AU Crosses 2.5M Registrations

.au Domain Registration
.au Domain Registration

According to a recent report released by .AU Domain Administration (auDA) and the current Registry Operator and wholesale provider for all commercial .AU domain names,AusRegistry, .AU domain registrations have crossed the 2.5 million mark. The latest figures released by the registry show a sustained growth in the number of .AU registrations.

The registration for .AU domains has increased at a balanced pace since it crossed the 2 million mark in 2011. auDA also announced that the number of auDA accredited registrars have increased to 38.

As per Verisign's latest Domain Name Industry Brief, the latest milestone places .AU as the tenth largest ccTLD being registered worldwide. .DE (Germany) is the largest with almost 15.19 million registrations as of today.

Click here for the complete story
